Brockport Reads program launched
“Books are windows to the world.”
For several years, many people in Brockport and around the country have been painting on rocks and hiding them for others to find. They have turned up and been re-hidden here and as far away as Florida. In Britain, books have been hidden, so a group of four women – Donna Mancuso, Anita O’Brien, LuAnne Cenci and Lori Skoog – decided to give it a try in Brockport.
On Saturday, August 31, “Brockport Reads” was launched in Sagawa Park with hopes that children would take a book, read it, and hide it for another child to do the same. After receiving permission from Mayor Blackman and Parks Director Linda Ketchum, 35 books in clear plastic bags were hung from a tree and a chain, waiting to be found and taken home.
A toddler took the first book on Saturday morning and by that evening the word was out. In addition to Brockport Reads, it was shared on Brockport Rocks, MOMS Club and Cool Kids pages. Four days later, “Brockport Reads” had 200 likes, lots of positive comments, 70 shares, photos and 63 people joining the original four.
“Brockport Reads” has already surpassed the organizers’ expectations. Now, more books are being hidden by families and the group will be putting more of those they have collected on the tree in the park.
The program has been so successful that “Macaroni Kids” in Albion wants to start the same reading activity there.
Provided information and photo

Brockport Reads! We’re so glad you found this book. Read it by yourself, or have someone read it to you. Then, put it back in the plastic bag and hide it for someone else to find. You
can use this card or a message of your own if you want to hide more of your own books.
Please take a photo and post it on Facebook to “Brockport Reads!”