Historical programs offered in Greece
A Conversation with Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass will be performed by Barbara Blaisdell and David Shakes, on Tuesday, February 11, 7 p.m., at the Greece Public Library, 2 Vince Tofany Boulevard.

Susan B Anthony and Frederick Douglass were lifelong friends and colleagues. They both supported each other’s major causes, women’s suffrage and abolition. The civil rights pioneers will talk with each other and the audience about their lives and their work.

Barbara Blaisdell, a retired artist and middle school counselor, has performed historical portrayals of Susan B. Anthony for all age levels, in and out of Rochester, for 29 years.
David Shakes is a long time resident of Rochester. A retired social worker, actor, and historical interpreter, Shakes has studied and portrayed Frederick Douglass for over thirty years.
To commemorate Black History Month, the Greece Historical Society welcomes local actor Freeman Brown, who will recreate speeches from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Malcolm X on Sunday, February 16, 2 p.m., at the Greece Museum, 595 Long Pond Road.
The legacies of Dr. King and Malcolm X are entwined with the speeches and writings delivered across their painfully abbreviated careers.
Freeman Brown, a Rochester native, uses his own gift for rhetoric to revive their powerful words on stages across the region.
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