
Orleans County CCE to offer Backyard Beekeeping Class


Cornell Cooperative Extension in Orleans County has made pollinator health a priority in its programming and is presenting a backyard beekeeping workshop this spring. Erin Masterson Holko from Masterson’s Garden Center in East Aurora will lead a Beekeeping 101 class on Tuesday, March 31, at 6 p.m. at the Buzz Hill Education Center, Orleans County 4H Fairgrounds. Holko will cover the basics of what is needed to start keeping honeybees at home, including start-up costs, basic equipment, general honey harvesting tips, and more. Holko has years of experience as a beekeeper herself and leads numerous classes and seminars each year to educate the public on this emerging hobby. 

With the increasingly reported decline of native pollinator and honeybee populations, many homeowners are interested in learning about how to support pollinators from their backyard. Over the last decade, American beekeepers have reported a loss of 30 percent of their colonies each year.  As much as one-third of the food we eat depends on animals like native pollinators and honeybees. Bees are also responsible for pollinating many wildflower, shrub, and tree species, promoting and supporting diversity in our natural ecosystems. The decline in bee populations can be attributed to three leading causes – parasites and pathogens, loss of habitat, and pesticide exposure. While there is much research, and many organizations, dedicated to mitigating the effects of those three negative impacts, many people are interested in learning what they can do to help from home. Planting a wide range of plants that flower throughout the growing season, providing clean water and nesting sites, and maintaining healthy honeybee colonies are just a few of the ways homeowners can help pollinators locally. At Orleans County CCE, there are plans in place to convert several raised beds to pollinator gardens, to develop a native plant sanctuary on the fairgrounds, and to promote education in native pollinator and honeybee support through programming and outreach. 

Contact the Orleans County CCE office at 798-4265 to register for the Beekeeping 101 class or to learn more about what you can do to support pollinators. 

Provided information and photos

Erin Masterson Holko poses with honeybee hives.
Erin Masterson Holko poses with honeybee hives.

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