
Historian’s request for your pandemic experiences

Congratulations to all of our citizens on the way we are progressing toward the opening of our community. A few weeks ago I asked that folks do some journaling about their experiences during the pandemic and to share some of their thoughts with me to keep in our town history collection. I have received several accounts from local folks telling of their experiences and feelings. I would really appreciate having more accounts and photos from all over the Westside News area. 

Your daily life may not be active and interesting to you, but it will certainly be of interest to people in the years to come. An example of a story from WWI and the flu epidemic of that era is the story of James Spencer and his wife: They were newly married when James was sent to Europe to serve his country. His wife decided to visit a relative in California while he was away. James caught the flu, was sent to England to recover and then returned to France. His wife contracted the flu and unfortunately passed away. The two traveling trunks that belonged to them were left, never opened, to Ray and Betty Spencer of Spencerport. Before Ray and Betty passed, they decided to turn the trunks over to the Town of Ogden Historian. About the same time, a student at SUNY Brockport was looking for a project, so the historian asked if she would care to document the trunks. Her project produced a display for the town office, and eventually another for the Ogden Historical Society.

At the time this project took place, I was interested in that era since my uncle and father served in WWI. Now, I am thankful that we worked on the project and can look back at our history and see that we certainly came out of that pandemic okay and that we can look forward to doing the same now.

I look forward to hearing any stories you may have about your daily life, no matter how crazy, dull, or absurd you may think your life is right now. Please send your thoughts and photographs to my town email ccoburn@ogdenny.com, or snail mail to: Historian, Town of Ogden, 269 Ogden Center Road, Spencerport, NY 14559. If you have photos and the town hall is not open yet, or you cannot email them and want to get them to me, call me at 733-4943, and I will make arrangements with you to copy them.

Carol F. Coburn, Ogden Town Historian

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