Genesee County 4-H seeks volunteers
The Genesee County 4-H Program is a youth development program for youth ages five to 18. 4-H connects youth to hands-on learning opportunities that help them grow into competent, caring, contributing members of society.
The program would not be possible without the time and talents of its volunteers. Volunteers are essential to the program and allow you to share your knowledge and hobbies with interested youth. 4-H volunteer opportunities range from coordinating monthly club meetings to leading a one-time gardening project.
Genesee County 4-H Volunteer opportunities include:
•Lead a 4-H project in an area that excites you, such as cooking, woodworking, sewing, or animal science
•Coordinate a 4-H Club by planning monthly meetings and projects with club families
•Judge 4-H public speaking presentations
•Lead a 4-H livestock event or contest
•Coordinate a 4-H activity at the county fair
•Help with fundraising
•Become a certified Shooting Sports Instructor.
For information about joining the Genesee County 4-H Program, email or call 343-3040 ext. 131. Enrollment forms are also available at
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