Spencerport UCC works to keep the seas plastic free

First Congregational Church of Spencerport UCC hosted its second annual Plastic Lakes Project outing on Saturday, August 29, at Ontario Beach Park. Members of Henrietta UCC and Mountain Rise UCC also joined in the effort. Sixteen people, including nine teens and six adults, met at noon in one of the park pavilions. The group enjoyed a pizza lunch, and then hit the beach armed with gloves, grabbers, bags, and clipboards to track the trash. They cleaned up 85 pounds of litter in two hours. MacKenzie Lynk, local representative of the Plastic Lakes Project, led the effort. For more information on the project, visit www.plasticlakesproject.org. For information about the Spencerport UCC, see their listing in the Area Worship Services or find them on Facebook, spencerportucc.