Iovine named Humanitarian of the Year

Dominic Iovine has been selected as the Humanitarian of the Year for both Monroe County American Legion and the 7th District, which encompasses seven counties in Central New York. Dom, as he is known throughout the Legion, was born and raised in Auburn, graduating from high school in 1948. He enlisted in the US Army National Guard and subsequently enlisted in the United States Marine Corps, completing the Marine Corps active and reserve commitment in December 1955. For the next 47 years, Dominic worked as a mold maker for several companies in the Rochester and Auburn area.
Dominic joined Spencerport’s Ferris-Goodridge Post 330 of the American Legion in 1997. He has served on several committees, including the Executive Committee, and was also involved in several special projects for Ferris-Goodridge. Dom has also been a member of our Honor and Color Guard, which participates in activities throughout the year, including Memorial Day, local firemen’s parades, and special parades as needed.
The Post nominated Dominic for this award because of his dedication and commitment to the community. Upon his retirement in 1997, Dominic joined the Park Ridge/Unity Hospital Volunteer organization. He has volunteered three days a week, four hours a day, for the past 23 years. This equates to almost 9,000 volunteer hours of dedicated service to the patients at Unity. As a volunteer, some of his duties include maintaining good communication with transport dispatcher by reporting any problems, delays, and completions immediately. He also ensures that all policies and procedures pertaining to the movement of patients and equipment are followed. He always displays courtesy and professionalism towards patients and co-workers, mostly as a result of his military service. Dom further demonstrates his commitment to the community by being a member of the Moose and Eagles Clubs and the Rochester Dinner Dance Club.
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