Living Fields of Honor for local veterans

article and photos by Pamela A. Moore,
Harvey C. Noone Legion Family Post 954
At the Hometown Heroes Dinner held in 2018 in honor of Harvey C. Noone, who died in 1918 while serving in the Army in France during WWI, the Legion Family announced the establishment of two Living Fields of Honor for all Churchville/Riga area veterans. The larger site began near the oak tree planted by the Village of Churchville on Arbor Day 2018, in honor of Harvey C Noone. It is near the Richmond Avenue entrance to Westshore Rail Trail. The second site is on the grounds of American Legion Post #954 on Buffalo Road, located near the oak tree planted in 2018 by the Town of Riga in honor of Harvey C. Noone.
Daffodils were planted in the fall of 2018 and 2019 at both sites. This year, the Legion Family purchased five varieties of naturalizing daffodil bulbs, that bloom early, mid, and late spring, to add to the Living Fields of Honor. Cub Scout Pack #156 meets at the Legion and Cub Master, Wendy Bailey, expressed interest in partnering with the Legion Family on a service project. On October 18, with the enthusiastic assistance of Cub Scout Pack #156 members, their parents, and Pack leaders Wendy Bailey and Dave Brower, Churchville Mayor John Hartman, and four Auxiliary members, the bulbs were planted.
The goal is to create a living display of daffodils along the entire length of the Westshore Rail Trail that will bloom for several weeks each spring in honor all veterans – our Hometown Heroes. The display will serve as a reminder for the community of the sacrifices made by those who have served our country, in times of war and peace, to protect our nation and our freedoms.
Daffodils were chosen because they not only live for decades, but they also naturalize by multiplying and spreading. So, each spring, they will send forth an enduring and growing message of gratitude to and remembrance of our veterans, beauty, rebirth, and hope for future generations and our nation.
Additional photos of the afternoon spent planting bulbs can be viewed in the Photo Gallery at under the Tab Living Fields of Honor.