Monroe County municipalities to receive CARES Act funding

It was announced on November 25 that Monroe County will provide local municipalities and fire districts with more than $9 million in federal CARES Act funding to reimburse them for COVID-19-related expenses.
“As we all know, the COVID-19 pandemic has not only had a devastating impact on our public health but has also increased the need for vital local government services,” said County Executive Adam Bello. “It’s always been my goal to help our local government partners as we work together to fight COVID-19 and keep our community safe. I am hopeful that this additional funding for our partner governments will help mitigate their unexpected costs and buffer any impact on their budgets. The financial weight of this pandemic should not fall on our local residents and taxpayers.”
In total, Monroe County expects to distribute $9 million in federal CARES Act funding to towns, villages, fire districts, and the City of Rochester. Nearly $5.4 million will be distributed to towns and villages; $3.4 million to the City; and about $90,000 to fire districts. The funds will be used to offset public safety, public health, human services, and other costs incurred while responding to the COVID-19 public health emergency.
“Local governments throughout America have been glad to do their part in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in order to help protect the wellbeing of our constituents,” said Irondequoit Supervisor Dave Seeley. “We have done this knowing the impact of the virus on our fiscal situation. And while, just like every business and family in Irondequoit, we have tightened our belts at Town Hall, I am nonetheless grateful to County Executive Bello for working to provide this valuable funding. It will protect our property taxpayers and ensure we are still investing in that which allows our government to best serve those taxpayers.”
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