Firematic racing returns to Spencerport with tournament on August 7

Firematic racing. It sounds like a complicated term, but it is a term used to describe drill team racing. Spencerport Fire Department has one of the top racing teams in New York state – the Red Onions – and has claimed the title of State Champion many years.
The Red Onions are a group of Spencerport firefighters who practice their skills, which are showcased at various drills throughout the state during the summer months. During these drills, the team is judged on their speed and efficiency in events such as ladder climbing, motor hook and ladder, motor pump, bucket brigade, and other skill-based events. Points are awarded, and the team with the highest score is the overall competition winner. While the winners of these events are purely based on points earned, team members describe these drills as contests of camaraderie.
Like many festivals, tournaments, and events, the Red Onions’ Tournament was postponed last year due to the pandemic. But this year’s tournament is sure to draw attendees and spectators. Local teams like Seabreeze, Point Pleasant, and Henrietta Fire Departments are expected at this year’s tournament along with teams from the Buffalo, Albany, and northern New York state areas. This year’s event is set to take place on Saturday, August 7, at the end of West Avenue in the village of Spencerport. Events begin at 1 p.m. but the gates open at 11 a.m. Admission fees are nominal, $3 for adults. Carnival-type food will be available for purchase.
Mike Magin is a longtime Spencerport Fireman who joined the department in 1973 as an Explorer. He became a member of the Red Onions team shortly thereafter. He’s spent the last 18 years as an official. Mike’s cousin Scott Magin joined the fire department and Red Onions team in 1991. Scott is still racing and looks forward to this summer’s tournaments. Brian Krywy and his son Ben are Red Onions teammates and fellow firefighters.
“I grew up watching my uncle and father be firefighters and also racing on this team. I knew since I was young that I want to do the same. I’m a senior at Spencerport High School this year, and when I graduate, I plan to go to college to study fire science,” Ben said. “There’s quite a pedigree in the department and on the team as we have many generations who serve,” Mike Magin added.
Cole Tresohlavy joined the Red Onions team in 2015. He is originally from Florida, where some of his family still lives. His aunt is an emergency medical technician and his uncle passed in the line of duty.
“Serving our communities is a family tradition, one that I wanted to continue. The very best part of being on the Red Onions is the camaraderie and the fellowship with teammates,” Tresohlavy said.
In order to be a member of the Red Onions, it is required that a person be a member of the Spencerport Fire Department. The team is fiscally independent from the Spencerport Fire Department. The team receives some funding from the Spencerport Fireman’s Association.
“No taxpayer money goes into our team,” Mike Magin explained.
Interested in learning more about this fast-paced sport? Dig out your favorite lawn chair and spend the afternoon of August 7 with the Spencerport Red Onions as they make a return to the racing circuit.