Leslie Daum: The first woman to join the Brockport FD

In the spring of 1974, 21-year-old Leslie Daum was a senior at SUNY Brockport majoring in sociology and recreation. Her schedule was such that she had most of her afternoons free, and after hearing volunteers were needed during that day part, she applied to join the Brockport Fire Department’s Silsby Hose Company. In doing so, she became the first woman to join in the department’s 99-year history.
Women’s liberation played no part in the Lawrence, New York, native’s decision to volunteer. “A lot of my friends at home are firemen,” Daum said in a 1974 interview, “and they’re the best group of guys I know. I enjoy working with people and helping them, so I joined. I didn’t realize I’d be the first woman on the force at Brockport.”
“There haven’t been any kind of restrictions,” then Fire Chief Allen Mercer said at the time, “It’s just that no women have applied for the position.” He added “Maybe women can’t do some of the heavy physical exertions. On the other hand, maybe they can do it better. I don’t know. But there are certain things on any volunteer department that anyone can do.”
While much was made of her being the first woman in the department, Daum says she felt very welcomed by the Silsby Hose Company. “I instantly met many friends who made me feel part of the Brockport community. I am glad to say that 48 years later I still have those friends.”
It was also through her involvement with Silsby Hose that she met First Lieutenant Gary Rheinwald. “Our love grew quickly,” she said, and the two were married on October 12, 1974. They later divorced and he passed away in 2020, but Daum still has the letter from him welcoming her to the department.
Daum served on the volunteer ambulance corps which was organized in 1962 as part of the fire department. After a six-hour training course, she acted as the “third person” in the ambulance for a while, learning the route and building her confidence until the captain deemed her capable of becoming a driver.
She was an active member of the corps for two years, but she says the first call she went on was one of the most memorable. “My first ambulance call was to a home on Lake Road in Clarkson. The person was severely burned by charcoal lighter fluid. Our first aid saved his life,” Daum recalled.
Daum devoted more than 20 hours a week to her volunteer work with the corps. “I had a passion to serve the community as an ambulance corps member. I care about people and the reward comes back for every act of kindness,” she said. “There is such a need for volunteers. No matter where you live, you will never regret joining a volunteer fire company. You become part of a family.”