Finding Purpose Through the Arts

It only took six months to write his book, but it has been in the works for the past 24 years.
Eric Vaughn Johnson leads a very full life. He believes in the arts, and he believes in his community, and his goal is bringing the two together. That is where he invests his energy. As an active member of the Rochester Theatre Arts scene, Eric recently became an author. In his first book entitled “My Quarter-Life Crisis,” Eric recounts memories of his first 24 years and the events that led up to where he is now. He says, “The book follows every year of my life from age three. Each chapter tells countless stories from my life that paint a bigger picture. The role models, inspirations, movie making, theatre, college, finding my place in the world and becoming comfortable with who I am.” Eric says his writing style is comical and includes thoughts and commentary on every page.
The theme of “My Quarter-Life Crisis” revolves around finding purpose in the arts. The first chapter in the book is titled “Finding My Purpose,” talking about how we all fit in the world. Eric says, “The main idea is to love what you do, and more importantly it is okay to change your mind. No matter how successful you believe you are, or how many goals you reach, it is okay to push one step further, if that doesn’t work, start over and begin a new adventure.”
The book addresses the conflicts involved with the beliefs that in order to do anything worthwhile in the arts you need to be in NYC or LA, and that you can’t make a career out of the arts. He says, “The hope is through this book kids of all ages, and their parents, can see how the countless arts-based opportunities they take part in can absolutely blossom into being fulfilled in a career as an adult.” The book includes numerous stories about Eric as a kid and as a teenager and the experiences that taught him to love what he does, and not to settle for anything less. The book is recommended for ages 10 and up.
He says his book was inspired by, “Kids. Our kids are our future. If I didn’t have my role models growing up I would certainly not be happily where I am today. With the arts consistently being cut and reassessed in schools, it is a personal mission of mine to allow all students, inner city, suburban, and rural, the opportunity to experience the joys of theatrical entertainment. Theatre teaches self-confidence, public speaking and teamwork and is a place to discover safely who you are in the world.”
As the title of the book suggests, Eric Vaughn Johnson will turn 25 years of age on July 3rd. His involvement in the Rochester Arts community is impressive. Currently Eric works with countless theatrical productions both on- and off-stage. He serves as the Business Manager and Program Director of Rochester Association of the Performing Arts (RAPA), designing all educational programs for students from ages four to eighty-four during the academic year. Additionally, he spearheads RAPA’s new intensive Summer Stock program. He designs the RAPA Family Theatre and Youth Theatre seasons and directs several of these productions throughout the year.
In 2016, Eric became the President of the Greece Performing Arts Society (GPAS) and is now leading the organization into their next chapter. He also teaches theatre arts in several local schools, as well as private acting lessons and he mentors inspiring young directors. Previously he served for four years in Greece as the Artistic Director of SNAP Musical Theatre.
Eric has partnered with community organizations including Facing Race, Embracing Equity, Rochester Latino Theatre Company and the Out Alliance for benefits and fundraisers.
“My Quarter-Life Crisis” will be released on Wednesday, July 18, 2018 at the Book Release Celebration at Writers and Books, 740 University Avenue, Rochester, NY 14607. The Celebration will be held from 6 P.M. to 8 P.M. and will feature complimentary champagne, light hors d’oeuvres, music, photos, and your first chance to purchase and take home a copy of “My Quarter-Life Crisis.” The book release is open to the public, no tickets are needed.
The world wide release will take place the day after on July 19, 2018 with copies available for purchase at