Shorline Projects Permit Fees Reduced
Greece Town Board Passes Resolution to Reduce Permit Fees for Certain Shoreline Projects

Members of the Greece Town Board passed a resolution to reduce Permit Fees for Shorline Projects.
Greece Town Board Agenda Item No. 5 reads: Authorization for the Town’s Building Department to administratively collect reduced building permit fees for shoreline projects being performed under exigent circumstances, such as residential shoreline projects funded through the New York State Resiliency and Economic Development Initiative.
The adoption of this item means that both the Flood Management Permit Fee and the Coastal Erosion Hazard Permit Fee would be reduced by 50%. The Flood Management Permit Fee will be reduced from $50 to $25. This affects any properties that border a floodplain and any resident having break wall work completed. The Coastal Erosion Permit Fee will be reduced from $200 to $100. This affects any resident living in the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area (such as all properties along Lakeshore Boulevard).
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