Greece Kiwanis Club Update

The Kiwanis Club of Greece has been involved in several projects to help the community. Their mission is to change the world one child and one community at a time. They continue to have regular club and board meetings. If you are interesting in joining in for a virtual meeting, please contact President Heather Henderson at
Recently the club donated $1,000 to the local Boy Scout Troop 5 “Campership Fund.” It costs $410 per Scout to attend camp. Kiwanian Angie Kananen is the Troup liaison.
The club donated $200 to the Autism Nature Trail, A Nature Trail for All at Letchworth State Park. To learn more, visit:
Arlene Szebeda and Heather Henderson, co-chairs of the First Lady’s Project (assisting homeless, foster, and less fortunate youth), were able to complete their Spring service project the week of April 5th. They gathered goodies to help fill the 150 emergency boxes for families in need within the Greece Central School District. The focus was on Easter basket-type items and also perishable and microwavable foods.
The club recently sent a $200 check to help support Project Linus (local Greece chapter). Project Linus makes and then donates blankets for children in need.
The club supports Greece Ecumenical Food Shelf on a quarterly basis, but decided to give them an additional $1,000 for their immediate needs. Jon Kuppinger, Immediate Past President (and volunteer for the Food Shelf), presented the Food Shelf with the check on April 9th.
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