Kiwanis One Day

October 24, 2020 was Kiwanis One Day. It’s one day where all Kiwanians across the world are asked to do a service project in their community.
This year, Kiwanis Club of Greece focused on Emergency Preparedness, which is part of the Governor’s project. This project was a collaboration of a few organizations that came together to deliver a service, provide disaster preparedness kits, to those who would not be able to, or aware of what to include in a kit.
Participating organizations are: Barnard FD & Exempts, Rochester, NY – provided Emergency Preparedness Items; Northwest Family YMCA – donated extra loud whistles with lanyards; Kiwanis Club of Greece – purchased additional items and assembled kits; Domino’s Pizza (Greece location) – donated gift certificates; and The Greece Ecumenical Food Shelf – identified families that could use these items and anonymously distributed the kits.
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