Rotary Stars for our Troops

Thanking Those that Served and are Serving
The Greece Rotary Club is currently supporting Stars for our Troops, a group of patriotic volunteers, who take old tattered and faded U.S. Flags that are retired from service, and pass the legacy of the embroidered stars on the flags to those that defended them.
The Rotary invites everyone to join them as they show support to our Military, our Veterans and our First Responders by bestowing a packaged, embroidered star as a gesture of thanks to active and retired military and first responders. To request stars email link:
Included with your stars will be a self-addressed stamped envelope for you to make a tax exempt donation payable to the Greece Rotary Foundation. The Rotary will forward your donation to Stars for Our Troops, a 501c3 organization to help cover supplies and shipping.
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