Center 4 Hope Celebrates Grand Opening with Chamber

The Greece Regional Chamber of Commerce recently celebrated the Grand Opening of new business member Center 4 Hope with a ribbon-cutting ceremony and celebration. Greece Regional Chamber President and CEO Sarah Lentini served as the Master of Ceremonies for the event.
The Center 4 Hope, located at 1301 Vintage Lane, opened in March 2020 and has served over 13,000 people/5,000 families since then, sharing the love of Christ with the Greece community through food, medical care, career counseling, and financial counseling. Center leadership stresses valuing individuals in this community and their desire to walk alongside all who seek to improve their situation and life. According to the Center, “The combination of a person’s own abilities and skills blended with community resources and support from the Center for Hope can bring about transformation, self-sufficiency, and a thriving Christian lifestyle.”
Those attending the celebration included Center 4 Hope Executive Director Chris Folwell and Finance Director/Events Coordinator Ashley Backhouse; New York State Assemblyman Josh Jensen; Monroe County Sr. Economic Development Specialist Lydia Birr; Constituent Liaison Miles Cunning, representing New York Senator Jeremy Cooney’s office; Greece Central School District Superintendent Kathleen Graupman; Hope Church Lead Pastor Kirk Dueker; Greece Regional Chamber President and CEO Sarah Lentini, who facilitated the ceremony; and Chair of the Greece Chamber Charitable Foundation and The Victors Gymnastics President and CEO Michael A. Mordenga; along with other Chamber business members and special guests.
“The Center 4 Hope’s missions is a crucial one for our community,” said Greece Chamber President/CEO Sarah Lentini. “We are proud to celebrate the grand opening of their beautiful new facility and look forward to supporting their efforts to serve individuals and families in the town of Greece.”
For more information, to donate or volunteer at Center 4 Hope, call (585) 504-6504 or visit www.
For more information on the Greece Regional Chamber of Commerce and its membership benefits, available to businesses throughout Monroe County, NY, and beyond, visit, email, or call (585) 227-7272.
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