Greece NY News

11th Annual Warrior Benefit Concert

Saturday, August 13

This event raises money for local veteran organizations. Proceeds from this year’s concert will go to our Guests of Honor; Roger Hill, Korean War Veteran, Manny Silva, Vietnam Veteran, NY Warrior Alliance, and Help on the Home Front, a New York Veteran Program.

Tickets are $20 at the door. This year’s outdoor concert will start at 9AM with a motorcade escort, led by the Greece American Legion Riders, from Spencerport’s Ferris Goodrich Post 330, 691 Trimmer Road, to the Greece American Legion Post 468.

Special Opening Ceremonies at 10:30AM will include Greece Post #468, New York State Champion Color Guard, Greece American Legion Riders, Nick Novellin singing God Bless America and our National Anthem.

Food and drinks will be available, along with various raffle sales, live auction, and veteran vendor tables.

Music Under the tent by seven bands including: The Kid Kurry Band, Mitty and the Followers, Axton Landing, Split Decision, Uptown Groove, Retrospect, and MOJO Chunk.

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