Eagle Scout Recognition Award

An official Eagle Scout Award Presentation Ceremony was held during a recent meeting of the Greece Town Board. The Town of Greece Eagle Scout Recognition Medal is presented to all Boy Scouts who have recently achieved the rank of Eagle Scout in their local troop.
Nik Smith recently achieved the rank of Eagle Scout in Troop Number 130. For his Eagle Scout Project, Nik replaced garden beds at the Irondequoit Food Cupboard.
“It is an honor for me to present proclamations and medals to the hard working and determined young men who have shown that commitment and perseverance lead to success. Thank you for choosing a project that helped an organization better help those in need in the community,” said Greece Town Supervisor Bill Reilich.
The Boy Scouts of America, one of the United States largest youth organizations, is dedicated to promoting self-reliance, courage, and patriotism among young men. The Eagle Scout Award is attained after countless hours of hard work, sacrifice, and dedication to the scouting creed. For more information on the Boy Scouts of America, please visit their webpage www.scouting.org
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