Kiwanis Bike Drive

Saturday, June 17, 2023
9:00AM to 12 Noon
Drop off used bicycles at Orchard View Senior Apartments, 1 Orchard View Drive, Greece. The parking lot is visible from Latta Road. If unable to transport bicycles, please call 585-234-2088 to arrange for pick-up.
Bikes are donated to R Community Bikes, Inc., (RCB), a grassroots, 501(c)3 organization, staffed entirely by volunteers, that collects and repairs used bicycles for distribution, free of charge, to the Rochester, New York area’s most needy children and adults. Since 2008 RCB has given away 32,145 bikes and repaired 41,675 bikes. For more information on RCB visit
This bike drive is hosted by Kiwanis Clubs of Greece and Rochester.
For more information call 706-331-1022 or email
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