Greece Historical Society

Upcoming Events on Historical Society Calendar
·Tuesday, October 14, Bringing Kids and Historians Together, presented by Tony Stevens-Oliver and Vicki Profit.
·Tuesday, November 14, Pioneer Families of Greece II, presented by Marie Poinan and Jo Ann Ward Snyder.
·Tuesday, January 9, Indigenous People’s Rights in Western NY, presented by Professor Michael Oberg.
The Historical Society has moved their fall programs to the GCSD Transportation & Support Service Facility’s multipurpose room at 1790 Latta Road, Greece. This is a new, temporary location, for Tuesday evening programs. The Society would like to thank Superintendent Kathleen Graupman and Executive Director of Student Operations and Athletics, David Richardson for offering this fine facility. If you plan to attend any Fall Tuesday programs at the Latta Road facility, enter the parking lot from School Street between the building and the fire house and use the east door.
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