Greece Youth recognized at Town Board Meeting

A ceremony was held during the August 22, 2024 meeting of the Greece Town Board. The ceremony recognized the accomplishments of two young Greece residents.

Recognized first was one of the recipients of the Jerry J. Helfer Youth Engagement Scholarship. The scholarship recipient, Makayla Robinson, received a proclamation and a check in the amount of $500. Makayla has been very involved in the community, both inside and outside of school. Her school activities have included being a member of the National Honor Society and being involved in high school theater events. She appreciates creativity and expression through her involvement in artistic and musical activities. Makayla has an exciting educational career ahead of her as she plans to attend Niagara University to pursue a degree in Sports Management.

The second young lady recognized was Jayden Bunch. Jayden recently received the Gold Award in her local girl scout troop. This is quite the achievement, as only 5.4% of eligible girl scouts earn the gold award. Jayden’s project was conducted in collaboration with an outreach organization called Redeeming Love that serves disadvantaged women in the community. Jayden contacted individual and business donors to collect nearly $2,000 worth of hygiene products, personal care items, and clothing. She then worked with volunteers to assemble care packages and hand them out through a weekly mobile outreach effort.
“I know I speak on behalf of our community when I say that the Town of Greece is incredibly proud of these young ladies who are making a difference in our world,” said Supervisor Reilich. “Individuals like Makayla and Jayden make our community a better place. Their demonstrated leadership and compassion set an example for us all.”
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