Keep Gates Clean

Some people made sourdough bread. Others got really into puzzles. For Dan Switzer, Lauren Malvaso, and a small group of adults in the Gates community, their COVID hobby was something a little more altruistic. They started picking up garbage! Today, nearly four years later, not only are they still out on the streets cleaning up their community, but the movement they started – Keep Gates Clean – has motivated several others to care about the cleanliness of their town.
Simply put, Keep Gates Clean is a group of volunteers that meets weekly to beautify the town. Both Dan and Lauren were among the founding members. Below is a brief history of the group, as well as what the future has in store for them.
Q: What is the Keep Gates Clean origin story?
Dan: It was the middle of April in 2020. I was riding my bike through the park and saw garbage scattered all over. When I got home that afternoon, I talked a friend into coming out to help me pick up all the trash I saw. We filled up three bags that day. That night, I shared a post on Facebook to the “Gates News” group and Lauren responded immediately.
Lauren: When the world was shut down due to COVID 19, I was looking for a way to be impactful with my newfound down time. I was becoming increasingly aware of and disheartened by the litter all around our beautiful town. It was everywhere – our plazas, parks, parking lots, neighborhoods, main roads! On April 19, 2020, I decided to make a post on the “Gates News” Facebook page looking for like-minded residents to de-litter the town with me. “Woke up thinking about the garbage all over Gates. Anybody feeling inspired to clean up our neighborhoods?” Dan Switzer was the first to respond. “Heading out later. We’ve got this!” We had both been out on several individual outings, but from that day on, we decided to combine our efforts and rally our friends. The “Keep Gates Clean” movement was born that day.
Q: Other than a cleaner community, are there any other positives that have come out of the Keep Gates Clean movement?
Dan: New friendships and increased fitness. We usually cover at least a mile, sometimes a mile and a half on each cleanup. It has also been great to meet and make connections will all sorts of people that I would not have known otherwise.
Q: How do people find out about Keep Gates Clean?
Dan: The primary way is Facebook. We post about upcoming cleanups and share pictures about the bags upon bags of trash we collect. The group has been growing steadily and now has over 800 followers.
Q: What are your plans for the group this year?
Lauren: Keep Gates Clean is excited to partner with local organizations in 2024. We are also always looking to add new faces to our weekly community cleanups. Consider joining us in our beautification efforts of Gates; it truly does take a village!
Q: Do you have any final thoughts?
Dan: It is mind blowing how much litter we clean up. In the last six months of 2023, we collected over 370 bags! If we could get even 1% of residents to come out once a month and join our cause, that would be so helpful in making Gates a cleaner community.
Lauren: While Keep Gates Clean could technically be considered my brainchild, Dan has been instrumental in keeping this movement alive! He is the heart and soul behind Keep Gates Clean. He is out there working tirelessly, scheduling cleanups, and rallying the community. He is our leader and an Environmental Warrior!