BHS Key Club helps community with hours of service
Brockport High School Key Club members, juniors Ashlee Wilmier, Peter Raimondo, Bryar Kader, were among those to carol through the village of Brockport during the holidays. Provided photoThe members of the Brockport High School Key Club have recently exceeded 1,000 hours of community service. Since the beginning of the school year, Key Club members have been busy making the community a better place.
The community service club includes 90 members in grades 9-12 and promotes the development of student leaders and positive role models. Key Club develops experiences to serve the school and community and to build a better community through unselfish service.
Club Advisor Christine Howlett and the Key Club officers provide volunteer opportunities for all members.
“The wide variety of service opportunities allows students to select the service projects that best suit them and their busy lives,” said Howlett. “Our community has benefited immensely from the great numbers of hours our teenagers put in. We are so lucky to have so many great kids offer up their time and energy to our schools and Brockport community.”
To date, Key Club members cleaned the Village of Brockport’s parks and streets, with help from The College at Brockport’s Circle K Club and local Girl Scout Troop 60-360; they collected $660 worth of non-perishable food items for the Brockport Food Shelf; and helped raise $1,000 for the Salvation Army through their bell-ringing campaign. Key Club members spread holiday cheer to the community by caroling throughout the village and serving fresh popcorn and hot coffee to crafters and shoppers at the Kiwanis Craft Fair in December.
Key Club members can be found every Friday at Ginther Elementary helping with the Ginther Caring Kids Club and are often seen volunteering during family evening events at Ginther, Barclay and Hill schools – running games, reading books, helping with crafts and interacting with the children.
In February, students will begin delivering Valentines to their friends at the Beikirch Nursing Home, with whom they also play Bingo each month. They will be running games at the Brockport Teachers’ Association Fun Fair and will be helping children to learn the game of lacrosse at the LAX A Palooza in March. Look for cleaner parks in April as they do their second round of cleaning up the parks.