
Whittler teaches techniques to BHS art students 

Chris Lubkeman can make amazing things out of twigs and branches by using a simple pocket knife and some creativity. He taught some of his whittling techniques to Brockport High School art students on February 27.

The branch carver and author was raised in Brazil, getting his start carving dentistry tools deep in the Amazon rain forest of northeastern Peru. He soon branched out to carving wooden toys, doll furniture, and bows and arrows before finding his niche of carving roosters, his signature piece, that he has been creating for more than 30 years.

His branch rooster technique (left), has been featured on DIY Network television. “He has the rare ability as a presenter to spark the imagination of his audience,” said art teacher Mary Warth.

Right, art teacher Ryan McDonnel and Chris Lubkeman test the tension of a giant sling shot that could shoot a melon past the outfield of a major league baseball field.

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