Church members outreach to neighbors through good deeds
Members of Hilton UMC: Wayne Harrington, Carol Bell, Will Green, Linda Barnard, and Lois DeWitt on “Be The Church” Sunday. Provided photoOn Sunday, April 15, the Hilton United Methodist Church embarked on a new adventure and observed “Don’t Just Go To Church … Be The Church” Sunday.
After meeting for a brief time of worship and communion, the congregation embarked on several projects throughout the Hilton community. During what would be their regular worship time, the congregation of Hilton United Methodist left the walls of the church to actually be the church; to “live the gospel of Jesus Christ and to be God’s love with our neighbors in all places.”
Several members of the congregation worked at four separate sites doing spring cleanup and gardening in resident’s yards. Other families picked up eight bags of litter along Main Street, Lake Avenue, South Avenue and Old Hojack Lane.
A food drive yielded 30 bags of food items for the Hilton Food Shelf. The Chancel Choir and friends visited Hilton East and led them in a get together to sing their favorite hymns. Also, over 100 dozen cookies were delivered to various businesses and town and village office, including the Hilton Fire Department.
“Many people today indicate that the church is irrelevant to their life. We are seeking to dispel that myth by leaving the walls of our church and serving our community,” said Rev. Jennifer Green.
Church members say the congregation is hoping to make this at least an annual event.