Brockport student on stage for “Honk”
McKenna Wright on stage performing as Ugly in “HONK.” Provided photoHans Christian Andersen’s beloved tale of “The Ugly Duckling” tells the story of a homely bird born in a barnyard who was teased by family and neighbors until, to his own surprise and delight, he grows into the most beautiful of all birds – a graceful swan. First published in 1843, the story’s message of personal transformation and tolerance has proven timeless. In this generation of bullying, whether verbally or physically – whether in person or via technology, Ugly’s story proves befitting to issues our students face today.
Eleven year old McKenna Wright is a 5th grade student at the Fred W. Hill School in Brockport and the daughter of Keith and Lynette Wright of Clarkson. She enjoyed playing “Ugly” in this year’s musical production of HONK! at 31 Prince Street with Cara D’Emanuele Productions, a theater company comprised of Rochester area children in grades 4-10. McKenna studies voice with Courtney Strimple and dance at Lisa’s Dance Boutique in Holley. She enjoys being part of the Hill School chorus and singing in the “Hilltop Singers” with Mrs. Place. McKenna saw her first Broadway play at the Winter Garden Theater in NY C over spring break this year and can’t wait for her next opportunity to perform on stage.