Eagle Scout project promotes environmental awareness
Hilton High School junior Michael Johnson’s Eagle Scout project involved reducing pollution in Salmon Creek and Lake Ontario (front l to r) Tyler Barwald, Phil Schuler, Michael Johnson, Jeffrey Russel, Jake Young, Hiram Johnson. Back (l to r): Nicholas Forese, Brandon Goulette, Ed Young, Chuck DeClerek.Michael Johnson, a junior at Hilton High School, has been a scout in the Boy Scouts of America since he was a child. After many years in the organization the crowning achievement of every scout is displayed in a planned out production called the Eagle Scout Project. This project is the “finish line” in scouting and demonstrates the scout’s abilities in leadership, responsibility, management and service to others.
For his Eagle Scout project, Michael chose to promote environmental awareness regarding storm drains, with the purpose of decreasing pollution into Salmon Creek and Lake Ontario.
Michael led his project with a team of seven helpers and four adult leaders. Work included marking 150 storm drains with a painted stencil or placard to alert the public not to dump into storm drains. In addition, approximately 600 houses in the North-West quadrant of the village, along West and Lake Avenues, had informational hangers placed on the front door of every home to educate people about stormwater pollution and what each household can do to decrease it. The project was completed with the help of Village Code Enforcement Officer Mike Lissow and Monroe County Pure Waters Associate Paul Sawyko.