Brockport Post Office setting for BUM Players “whodunit”
Members of the cast – David Hansen, Mack McCarthy, Steve Richardson, Paul Kimball, Lexie MacLarty, Turk Thomas, Chuck Edwards, Marcy Miceli, Dave Odrzywolski. “Victim”: Rev. Kit Snyder. Missing from photo: Jessica Haines.The crime scene for the BUM (Brockport United Methodist Players) annual audience-participation interactive “whodunit” murder-mystery (for which no blood was actually shed) is well known – the Brockport Post Office.
Written by BUM Player President and retired local Letter-Carrier Gary “Turk” Thomas, “The Brockport Chain-Letter Massacre” contains many humorous references to life (and death) in the Post Office. The “victim” is Brockport United Methodist Pastor Karen “Kit” Snyder. As always, Thomas has written in loads of twists, turns and “red herrings” to try to keep the audience guessing as to the identity of the “killer.”
Once again, the Brockport Kiwanis Club is producing this show, with all proceeds going to help support their various children’s programs. Tickets are $9 each or 2 for $17 and may be reserved by phoning Chairwoman Wanda Miner at 585-637-5656. They are also generally available at the door. Taking place at the Sweden Senior Center, 133 State Street, Brockport, the performances are October 26 and 27 and November 2 and 3 at 7:30 p.m. each evening. Doors open at 7 p.m. The Kiwanis Club serves refreshments during two “sleuthing” intermissions and offers prizes to the “amateur detective” who comes closest to solving the crime.
Besides Thomas and Snyder, other local cast members for “The Brockport Chain-Letter Massacre” include BUM Player veterans Jessica Haines, Dave Odrzywolski, Steve Richardson, Lexie MacLarty, Charles Edwards, David Hansen, Marcy Miceli, and Clarkson Supervisor Paul Kimball.