
Board delays on vote for snow plowing agreement

by Kristina Gabalski

BROCKPORT — Although Brockport Mayor Connie Castaneda has directed the village DPW to plow snow from Brockport Fire District properties in the village, village board members have yet to vote on a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the two entities regarding snow plowing and vehicle/facility use.

The amended MOU was on the village board agenda for the January 8 regular meeting, but because several trustees continued to express concerns over wording in the agreement regarding village and police department use of a fire district van and meeting rooms, there was no vote on the MOU.

Trustee Bill Andrews made a motion to authorize the mayor to instruct the DPW to plow snow from the fire district properties in the village in the same manner as in the past. The motion also called for the DPW and fire district commissioners to come up with estimates regarding the cost of snow plowing.

Trustee Margaret Blackman said the village and fire district had already agreed to the amount of $1,000 for plowing the lots for the winter season.

“The simpler the motion, the better,” she said.

Trustee Andrews said that the $1,000 fee agreed upon was a “convenient” way to solve the problem but, “I don’t know if it is accurate,” he said.

Both Trustee Andrews and Trustee Carol Hannan expressed concerns over wording that remains in the MOU regarding use by the village police department of the fire district van and meeting rooms at the Market Street Firehouse. Trustee Hannan said she would like to see the wording removed and Trustee Andrews said the fire district already has a vehicle use policy in place and is in the process of drafting a facility use policy.

Trustee Andrews noted the MOU contains 33 stipulations in respect to use of the van, calling them “ridiculous.”

Mayor Connie Castaneda said she has already directed the DPW to plow the lots and the two entities have settled on a fee. She said she didn’t see anything unreasonable in the amended MOU and questioned why the board could not approve it.

“The language is there for the protection of the two different entities, “ she said.

Trustee Blackman suggested the snow plowing and vehicle/facility use issues be handled in separate MOU’s.

Trustee Andrews’ motion failed by a vote of 3 no to one yes, with Andrews casting the only yes vote. Trustee Kent Blair was excused from the meeting.

Board members decided to discuss their concerns with the village attorney at the next regular board meeting January 22.

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