
Brockport Rotary holds first Oratorical Contest 

Brockport Rotary Club President Doug Clare presented banners to Brockport High School juniors Andrew Carter and Sophia Avery, as well as a check for $50 to the winner, Carter, for their participation in the Rotary District 7120 Oratorical Contest.

Students compete in public speaking for scholarships at a host of colleges for amounts up to $10,000 per year. Carter will continue on to the semi-final next month and if he is a winner in that regional event, he will go on to the finals in March.

Club representatives say both students were courageous for taking this on as no locals have been in the contest prior to this year, so their efforts were especially appreciated. At the Club level, the student may use note cards but are required to have their speeches memorized as they go forward in the competition. The competitor is encouraged to use examples, including those from his/her life. Presentation skills range from voice modulation to ability to use eye contact.

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