Seymour Library signs contract with director
Andrea TillinghastThe Board of Trustees of the Seymour Library in Brockport voted unanimously to award an improved contract to Library Director Andrea Tillinghast thereby extending her stay and confirming her leadership. Tillinghast accepted the new contract on February 14 and will continue her duties which began last March, according to a press release.
Former director of Red Jacket Community Library (Manchester-Shortsville) and Gorham Free Library, Tillinghast says she plans to focus on a variety of goals this next year. First and foremost will be a concentrated effort to establish a new strategic plan for the library. “We would like to discover how the library could help the community of the greater Brockport area become what the people need. These needs and the library’s role in the fulfilment of these needs will become the basis for our new strategic plan. What we will be looking for is input from a cross-section of community members,” the director pointed out in the press release.
Tillinghast is a graduate of Mynderse Academy in Seneca Falls. She obtained her bachelor’s degree in English literature from Elmira College and completed her master’s degree in library science at the University at Buffalo. She current lives in Penfield with her son and spouse.