Byron-Bergen senior recognized for school community involvement
Byron-Bergen Jr./Sr. High Principal Aaron Johnson, Senior High School Counselor Lindsay Kramer, Andrew McKenrick, and Science Teacher Stephen Locke. The Byron-Bergen Jr./Sr. High School Collaborative Improvement Team, comprised of teachers, students, community members, and Board of Education representatives, present a School-Community Partnership Award each semester to recognize students for their contributions to the Byron-Bergen community. This special award was created in an effort to highlight students who choose to go the extra mile in their community, therefore distinguishing them as ambassadors in the school community. Senior Andrew McKenrick received the 2012-2013 first-semester award.
Along with his regular classes at Byron-Bergen, Andrew attends Genesee Valley Educational Partnership (GVEP) in the morning, enrolled in conservation studies. At GVEP, Andrew excels academically and was recently selected to be in the National Technical Honor Society.
Last year, Andrew approached his family about joining the Byron Fire Department. He comes from a long line of firefighters, including his grandfather, father, and two uncles. Shortly after he signed up, Andrew completed Firefighter 1 classes and is currently an active fireman. He will be taking the Firefighter 2 class in May, along with other upcoming training classes. Even though he is very active with the department and numerous volunteer activities, Andrew still manages to keep up his school work and maintain good grades.
Nomination forms for the second semester can be found on the Byron-Bergen District website,, and in the Senior High School Office.
Music is in their genes
Five C-C students, relatives make All-County band
Family of musicians: (l-r) Erika, Kyle, Kendra, Greg and Kevin will represent Churchville-Chili across the three 2013 All-County bands. They are cousins and second-generation all-county Churchville-Chili musicians.Almost 30 years ago, brothers David and Jeff Dick were mainstays in the Churchville-Chili band room. David spent time practicing the euphonium while his older brother, Jeff, fine-tuned his talents on the trombone. Long-time district instrumental music teacher Mark Wheaton helped the brothers in their pursuits.
Through hard work and dedication, both David and Jeff earned numerous musical accolades including performing in the NYS Conference All-State Band in 1983. David also represented the district at the statewide level in 1984.
After leaving Churchville-Chili High School, each brother went on to build families and have children. Both chose to stay in the district where they found success, in hopes of their children having the same fortunes. David and Jeff passed their passion for music down to their children and have made Churchville-Chili history in the process.
Across the three 2013 All-County bands, five Dick family members will be representing Churchville-Chili – Erika in the elementary band, Kevin and Kyle in the junior high band and Greg and Kendra in the high school band.
It is rare to have five students from the same family representing a district across the three all-county bands; on top of that, to have the fathers be district graduates who each had similar success during their years. That means five cousins, children of two Churchville-Chili alumni brothers, are in each of the all-county bands.
It seems like this may be a once in a lifetime type of event but the Dick family could potentially accomplish it twice more. There is an up-and-coming trumpet player in the elementary school, Ryan Dick, providing an opportunity to complete the feat twice more before Greg graduates.
Wheaton, brother-in-law to David and Jeff and uncle to the five children, helped the fathers with their musical talents years ago. Now, he gets to witness the talents of the next generation of Dick family musicians. “They sort of remind me of the Von Trapp’s from ‘The Sound of Music,’ ” said Wheaton. “I know their parents and grandparents are proud of their children’s accomplishments, as well they should be.”
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Holley School District accepting applications for Alumni Hall of Fame
The Holley Central School District has an Alumni Hall of Fame to recognize Holley High School alumni who have achieved distinction at the local, regional, national or international level in any appropriate area of endeavor, such as academics/education, arts, business, media, public/military service, philanthropy or science.
Nominees must be graduates of Holley High School of at least 10 years. The nomination form is due to District Clerk Connie Nenni by Friday, April 26. The District Improvement Team will review the applications and make a selection. The honoree will be recognized at the high school awards ceremonies in June, and a plaque will be displayed in the foyer of the Middle School/High School.
The Alumni Hall of Fame began with the 2009-10 school year. Recognized alumni include James J. Piedimonte (2010) and Mary Leuze (2011).
For an application, visit or stop by District Office. Forms can be printed and mailed or filled-out online and submitted electronically. Send completed forms to District Clerk Connie Nenni, 3800 North Main Street, Holley, NY 14612; email; phone 585-638-6316, ext. 2003.