Chili Boy Scout Troop 90 celebrates Court of Honor
Zach WardOn Tuesday, March 16, Boy Scout Troop 90 celebrated a Court of Honor for the presentation of the highest rank of Boy Scouts, Eagle Scout, to Zachary Ward, 18, of Gates Chili High School.
Zach earned his Eagle Scout award by completing an intensive community service project for Monroe County’s Black Creek Park. Zach and a group of volunteers removed and replaced a 30-foot bridge over Black Creek that was old, unsafe and not up to code. The bridge was last repaired 18 years ago as part of someone else’s Eagle project.
Zach Ward and crew working on the bridge in Black Creek Park.The bridge was torn out June 9, 2012 and the site was prepared for the building of the new bridge. The park employees built the new stringers and put them in place. On June 23, Zach and crew went back and built the new bridge and added railings to make it safer and bring it up to code.
“This bridge now makes it safer for the many people who visit the park and use the bridge and is appreciated by the many dog walkers, runners and visitors of the park,” says Zach.
Zach earned a total of 35 Merit Badges from 2006-2012 as part of his requirement to become an Eagle Scout. A sample of some of the badges he earned were: Archery, Citizenship in the Community, Nation and World, First Aid, Geology, Wood Carving and Photography. A minimum of 21 Merit Badges are required for any Eagle Scout.
Zach was joined by his parents Scott and Susan Ward at the ceremony held at the First Baptist Church of Chili, at 3182 Chili Avenue, which was followed by a celebratory reception.
“We are very proud of Zach, who has put in a tremendous amount of effort to advance to Eagle,” said Keith Wimer, Scout Master. “We look to advance as many scouts as we can to the rank of Eagle and are always pleased with the creativity, thought and effort that go into the projects. We are very happy with Zach’s project and proud of the efforts of all of the boys in our troop.”