
Brockport Firefighters offer smoke detectors to district residents

“Every year in the United States, about 2,500 people die in home fires. Most of these deaths occurred in homes that didn’t have a working smoke alarm, “ according to the US Fire Administrations: “The Install, Inspect & Protect Campaign is part of an effort to reduce fire deaths and injuries across the nation by urging residents to install smoke alarms in their homes and inspect and maintain them on a regular basis. Working smoke alarms and sprinklers save lives.”

Starting March 2, Brockport firefighters will be making home visits upon request to inspect the placement of smoke detectors, to help all residents of the district be better prepared in the event of a fire, and to assist them in knowing the detectors are in the best place in your home.

A working smoke alarm can help residents escape a deadly home fire. It can also help save the lives of firefighters who would otherwise have to risk their lives by searching a burning home for residents. A working smoke alarm continuously scans the air for smoke, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It never sleeps. The USFA and the Brockport firefighters encourage the practice of fire safety, stressing the importance of safety equipment such as detectors.

Volunteer firefighters will also be able to provide up to three smoke detectors per home if you are in need of them. The Brockport Volunteer Firefighters Association in cooperation with Master Care Restoration Company and Lowes Home Improvement has secured a large number of detectors to accomplish this task. Eligible residences must be in the Brockport Fire Protection District (Sweden, Clarkson or the Village of Brockport). Call 749-3786 between 4 and 8 p.m. to make an appointment for the firefighters to stop at your home and assist you. Recipients must agree to do their part and change the batteries once a year to maintain a working smoke detector.

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