
Ogden approves regulations for self storage facilities

After more than two years of public input and work by town officials to address residents’ concerns, the Town of Ogden now has a new law in place which regulates and authorizes self-service storage facilities.

Town Board members unanimously adopted Local Law #2-2014 during their regular meeting Wednesday, February 26.

The law creates a self-service storage overlay district in the town and provides a procedure for siting of the facilities within the listed zoning districts in the town.

The new zoning code also requires town board approval of applications as well as site plan approval from the Planning Board and a conditional use permit issued by the Zoning Board of Appeals.

During a public hearing on the zoning code change held February 12, most residents who spoke told town board members they appreciated that their concerns had been taken into account in creating the new code.

Immediately following their regular meeting February 26, council members met informally during their workshop session with the first applicant for the newly created overlay district.

Supervisor Gay Lenhard said the new code does not require a meeting at this point, but the town board routinely receives an overview of newly proposed projects when developers first approach the town with plans.

North Coast Personal Storage, LLC, is proposing a self-service storage facility to be located off South Union Street between Colby Street and Chambers Street. Developers showed council members a concept plan for the facility.

Supervisor Lenhard told developers the first formal step in the process would be to meet with the town Planning Board.

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