Spencerport Canal Days Car Show relocates to American Legion post

As always, at this time of the year the planning is well underway for the upcoming Spencerport Canal Days, July 25, 26 and 27.
Those who have volunteered for this event know the multitude of details that need to be resolved and the variety of strategies that are executed to bring this community project to our town. The only piece of the puzzle that no one has control over, is the potential for rain. The Car Show Committee received a letter 10 days before the 2013 car show from the Town of Ogden saying that if it rained between that day and the day of the show, we would have to find another location for our show. Their point was that the large grassy area was in danger of being damaged if there was any rain before the event. We have had the show for 25+ years at the park and donated over $15,000 from the proceeds to the Town and to the Park. To our knowledge we have not seen any damage nor were we aware there was a problem. Keep in mind the owners of these very expensive show cars would never intentionally destroy this property or chance damaging their cars in the process, and if heavy rain is in the forecast, and if they arrived at the Park … they would be gone before the rain hit the area. After some face-to-face discussions with the Parks Department and no possibility that we had enough time to make other arrangements, and, thank you God, no rain, it was decided in 2013 that we could use the park after all.
It was also suggested that we could use the parking lots in the park for our 2014 show. Parking 250+ show cars along with other folks coming to see the cars, and others going to the playground and water park area, not to mention those going to the three lodges for picnics/parties along with their guests, and parents of players using the soccer and baseball fields, we just don’t see how that will work or be fair for everyone else who will be trying to use the park that day.
To avoid 2013 last minute ‘it might rain’ situation, and having no other options at the park, the 2014 Car Show committee has been proactive in finding another site for this event. The Spencerport Canal Days Car Show will be moving to the Ferris Goodridge American Legion Post on July 26 where we have been welcomed with open arms by our fellow community members. Although it is a little farther (just less than two miles) to go from the main Canal Day activities to this new location, our Canal Days Shuttle Buses will still be available to those who want a ride to the Legion. Show car parking is plentiful as we will be using their grassy lot (it’s really enormous!) behind the Legion on Trimmer Road for the show cars and other activities. Driving to the show to see the cars? We have parking for you, too. This year’s show promises to be another great success – we hope you will plan to attend.
A sincere thank you to the members of the Ferris Goodridge American Legion Post #330 who want the visibility and are looking forward to showing all the wonderful hospitality they have to offer. Kudos to the dozens of community volunteers who make this Car Show a success every year and to the Car Show Committee for their unrelenting perseverance to keep this very popular and well attended car show in Spencerport.
Kathy Magin
Spencerport Canal Days
Car Show Committee Member