Committee formed to explore the viability of the Sweden Senior Center Report due to Sweden Town Board October 15

A six-member committee (SSC) was formed following the Town of Sweden’s July 22, 2014 board meeting, where about 50 residents made comments regarding the current status and future of the Sweden Senior Center.
According to a press release, the SSC committee members are: Lori Skoog: chair; Hanny Heyen: recorder; Jean Brooks: liaison to the Sweden Senior Center seniors and Sweden Senior Center Association, Inc. (on-site advocacy organization); Chet Fery: coordinator of outreach and program models; Cora Schrader: examiner of facility use/fees, Center publicity; and Harry Shifton: consultant on budget and revenues.
The committee is meeting weekly at the Sweden Town Hall to work on recommendations to sustain the award-winning Center and enhance programming that will reflect today’s needs and wants of older adults, but also those in their mid-fifties to about 68 – the baby boom age – in the community. The finished report will be submitted October 15 to the Sweden Town Board (during their 2015 budget deliberations).
Committee chair Lori Skoog said, “I am proud of what our committee has accomplished. We want to work with the town board to provide programs and services for those 55+, including the 20 percent in the town’s households aged 65 and over, who are active and deserve to have this great facility in the Town of Sweden.”
The SSC plans to have a public meeting this month to gather input from residents, as the committee goes forward gathering pertinent information for their constructive report to the Town Board regarding the future plans for the center.
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