American Red Cross offers free Citizen Preparedness Corps training in Ogden

In partnership with New York State, the American Red Cross is offering free Citizen Preparedness Corps training sessions titled Prepare, Respond, Recover: What to do When Disaster Strikes.
This training session is open to the public. A trained representative from the American Red Cross will conduct a session of Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Citizen Peparedness Corps Training Program. The program lasts approximately one hour, and gives a comprehensive overview on how to prepare for natural and man-made disasters, and how to respond to and recover from them.
The course will be offered Monday, January 12, 2015 at 10:30 a.m. at the Ogden Senior Center, 200 South Union Street, Spencerport.
The American Red Cross has a mission of making sure our communities are ready and prepared for disasters. Governor Cuomo’s Citizen Preparedness Corps Training Program provides residents with the knowledge and tools to prepare for emergencies and disasters, respond accordingly, and recover as quickly as possible to pre-disaster conditions. Since New York is at high risk for man-made, technological and natural disasters, the American Red Cross is presenting the Citizen Preparedness Corps Training Program throughout New York State encouraging people to be better prepared.
For information, contact Sue Mears, SNP Coordinator at OSC, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Reservations are suggested.
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