
Mavis Tire project plan amended, Planning Board to be lead agency for SEQR

Members of the Spencerport Planning Board have agreed to act as lead agency for the full State Environmental Quality Assessment Review (SEQR) for the proposed Mavis Discount Tire Store in the Tops Plaza.

The Planning Board met Tuesday, February 10 and Chairman David Wohlers said the board received no response from other interested parties concerning lead agency status.

Kris Schultz of Schultz Associates highlighted changes to the site plan, which were submitted to the Board, but not before the deadline to be included on the February 10 agenda.

The new site plan includes a reduction in the size of the tire store, “… down to seven bays from eight … it’s the same size as the one in Greece,” Schultz told Planning Board members.

The extra space created by removing one bay will be used for additional landscaping, Schultz said.

He also explained that the new layout reconfigures handicapped parking to the north side of the building and the reduced size of the building will now create access from the front door of Tops, through crosswalks and sidewalks to the stairs leading to parks along the canal.

“We reduced the building and bam, it lined up nice,” Schultz said, “it’s a really nice planning improvement.”

Chairman Wohlers said the Planning Board had, “no comments at this time” regarding the site plan changes.

They are expected to provide those comments along with their determination regarding the environmental impact statement at the March 3 Planning Board meeting.

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