Canal Road Apartments receive Ogden Planning Board approval

The Canal Road Apartments project proposed for the north side of Canal Road between Upton Avenue and Union Street received preliminary and final approval from the Ogden Planning Board November 12.
The project includes the construction of two, eight-unit apartment buildings on slightly more than two acres. The project was criticized by residents during a public hearing regarding concerns over drainage issues and questions over the need for more apartments in the town.
Larry Heininger of Marques & Associates appeared before the Board November 12 prior to the vote. He said concerns voiced by the town engineer and Highway Superintendent David Widger have been addressed.
“Everything is in a good spot,” Heininger said, and described measures that have been taken to improve drainage.
The Ogden Conservation Board agreed, and Highway Superintendent Widger noted it appears the developer has improved drainage at the site. “It will go into a swale and be taken care of when it hits the park,” he said.
At their September 23 meeting, members of the Ogden Town Board approved re-zoning of the parcel from R-1 Residential to MFR – Multi-Family Residential.
The apartments will be serviced by public water and public sanitary facilities.
The November 12 regular meeting was the last for Planning Board member Marc Robinson, who is resigning.
At the beginning of the meeting, Ogden Supervisor Gay Lenhard read a letter of thanks she wrote to Robinson.
“It was (a) great disappointment to learn of your necessity to leave the Planning Board,” Lenhard said, and noted Robinson’s experience as a contractor was invaluable over the years. “The town has been a benefactor of your talent and knowledge. The past 17 years have been extremely productive. Your commitment to the Town of Ogden will not go unnoticed,” she said.
“I have known Marc for a lot of years,” Lenhard continued. “He has always been there whenever we needed him. We’re going to miss you very, very much. This is a great loss.”
“It has been my pleasure,” Robinson told Lenhard.