
Parkview Center Townhomes receives final site plan approval

Members of the Town of Ogden Planning Board gave final site plan approval June 9 for the proposed Parkview Center Townhomes development.

The proposal calls for the construction of 40 townhouse units in four separate buildings on slightly more than four acres between Land Re Way and North Union Street.

The Ogden Zoning Board June 2 granted necessary variances for the project, Richard Giraulo of LandTech Surveying & Planning/LaDieu Consulting, LLC, said. He told Planning Board members developers are “all set with county agencies,” regarding the project.

Planning Board member Mary Lou Hetzke again raised concerns over what she feels is a lack of green space in the project, and cast the only no vote regarding the final site plan approval.

“It’s all asphalt,” she told Giraulo, “there’s basically no green.”

Developers have addressed Planning Board concerns over public sanitary facilities and road width in the development, which was widened to facilitate emergency and fire apparatus.

Planning Board Secretary/Ogden Building Inspector Patrick Smith read a letter from an Ogden resident into the record.  The resident expressed concerns over maintaining the beauty of the landscape along the approach to the Village of Spencerport from the north, and suggested pine trees be planted between Union Street and the townhouses.

“We have made sure the buildings look similar to those in the downtown area,” Planning Board Chair Gary Parker noted.  “Why cover it with trees?”

Final site plan approval was given with contingencies that remaining concerns of the town engineer, highway superintendent, Planning Board attorney and fire marshal be satisfied.

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