Monroe County 4-Hers participate in New York State Fair
The New York State Fair wrapped up its 2016 run on Labor Day and 4-Hers who participated from Monroe County represented their county well.
Tara Defendorf-Kuba, 4-H Youth Development, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Monroe County, says six members of the Monroe County 4-H K-9 Kids Dog Club participated in the NYS 4-H Dog Show at the State Fairgrounds in Syracuse on August 20.
“The group came home with four grand championships, one reserve grand championship and a first place finisher in the Skill-A-Thon contest,” she says.
The group is led by Joanne Dohr with training support from Gayle Persons.
Results from the State 4-H Dog Show are as follows:
•Beginner Novice A Obedience Grand Champion: Stephen Katz (Webster) and his Portuguese Water Dog, Fathom
•Beginner Novice C Obedience Grand Champion: Emma Powley (Mt. Morris) and her Labrador Retriever, Jem
•Graduate Beginner A Obedience Grand Champion: Emily Malanowski (Greece) and her Labrador Retriever, Finn
•Graduate Beginner B Obedience Reserve Grand Champion: Haley Wentworth (Spencerport) and her Shetland Sheepdog, Kitty
•Rally Novice A Obedience Grand Champion: Emma Powley (Mt. Morris), and Jem
•Skill-A-Thon (knowledge contest) winner: Anyanka Katz of Webster who also competed with her Portuguese Water Dog, Wicket.
Additionally, Defendorf-Kuba says Madison Malanowski of Greece received many blue ribbons with her Jack Russel terrier, Jack.
Members of the Monroe County 4-H Horse Program did well during their competitions at the State Fair.
Anyanka Katz of Webster and her pony, Easy, participated in the hunt seat, western and gymkhana divisions. This pair won many ribbons, Defendorf-Kuba says.Shaylee Picow of Greece and her horse, Broadway Slam, participated in the hunt seat division.
Ella Bohn of Caledonia/Mumford and her horse, Pru, Megan Cochran of Brockport and her horse, Midnight Shadow, Makayla Lawrence of Greece and her horse, Reese, Sara Menke of Caledonia and her horse, Leo, and Erin Zielinski of Rochester and her horse, Chloe, all participated in gymkhana.
4-H Horse Club members Anyanka Katz, Ella Bohn, Rose Lanzatella of Greece, Chloe Margeson of Mendon and Clara Whilden of Webster were part of the Junior Hippology contest team. Maddy Kinsella of Greece was a Senior Hippology Team member. Additionally, Ella Bohn participated in the Horse Bowl.
Defendorf-Kuba says Owen, Hope and Faith Avedisian of Hilton showed their Jersey and Ayrshire dairy animals in the youth and open dairy shows and Monroe County 4-H youth also submitted 30 projects for evaluation in the Youth Building. “Projects included all sorts of items from handmade pillows, artwork and photography, to homegrown pumpkins,” she says.
“They are all great kids and it’s a great program across New York State,” Defendorf-Kuba says of 4-H.