Genesee Country Village and Museum offers Trick-or-Treating in the village

What better way to trick-or-treat than to solicit candy and other goodies in the safe and comfortable atmosphere at the Genesee Country Village & Museum – and meet a famous princess to boot?
From noon until 4 p.m., Saturday and Sunday, October 29 and 30, families can enjoy an autumn afternoon strolling the streets of the historic village and visiting with townsfolk during Trick-or-Treating in the Village – an event that has proved so popular that this year it has been expanded to two days.
Approximately a dozen of the village’s historic buildings will be open for trick-or-treating.
For an additional treat, the “Beauty” princess from the 1740 French fairy tale Beauty and the Beast will appear on site from 1 to 3 p.m. for autographs and photos with the children.
Other activities include: free romping in the Bounce House, free face painting, roasting marshmallows over an open fire, a Halloween picture to color and take home, mini-golf, spooky Halloween tales told around the campfire, and visits with the village craftsmen and farm animals. The program is designed for children ages 8 and under, but open to kids of all ages.
Admission costs youth (1 to 16) $7/$5 members; adults $5 (free when accompanied by a trick-or-treater). Infants are also free.
For further information, visit or call 294-8218.
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