
Gifts of a lifetime

Part two of two

In the season of gift-giving, I asked several of our local citizens what very meaningful or significant gift they have received in their lifetime. Thinking of “gift” broadly, it could be material, but more likely wise words or an intervention that made a major impact on them, even changing their lives. It might have been realized as a gift only in retrospect.  Below are their moving messages.

Allan Berry                                 giftsallanberry

President of Brockport Community Museum

Trustee of the Emily L. Knapp Museum

Owner of Berry Consulting Services, LLC

Associate with School Leadership, LLC

In 1972, as a relatively new teacher at Brockport High School, I took a graduate class from Dr. Don McWherter at The College at Brockport. I worked hard on the final paper. I was shocked to have it returned to me with the grade of B and a note that I could do better. After two days of fuming I returned to my effort and was rewarded with a better grade. Only later did I realize that my real reward was being pushed to accept higher standards for myself. And, from that experience, my additional gift was a friendship with Don. We remained connected and ultimately worked together when Don became a trustee of the Board of Education at Brockport Central while I was the Director of Personnel and School Community Relations. I also had the honor of speaking at his memorial service where I told the story about my final paper.

giftsmaryedwardsMary Edwards

President, Clarkson Historical Society

“Shh, you’ll have to be quiet today, my mother is listening to the opera.” That’s what I told my friends one day when I was about eight years old. So, my love of music started early, and now I can’t imagine a world without it. Music encompasses a whole world of expression. From the innocent child’s song “Twinkle, twinkle Little Star” to the complexity and drama of Wagner’s “Ring Cycle” to the happiness of the Beatles “Here comes the Sun.” Then there is the simplicity of the hauntingly evocative “Taps” which can reduce me to tears. So, a heartfelt thank you to my mother for giving me the always fresh, always new, gift of music.

Christopher R. Martin                    giftschrismartin

Public Information Officer for the Brockport Fire District

Full time job:  Supervisor of Training and Accreditation at the City of Rochester Emergency Communications Department (Monroe County 911)

Former Deputy Mayor of the Village of Brockport

The most important gift I ever received was from my sister, Mary. Forty-three years ago, she joined the Brockport Fire Explorers.  She invited me to accompany her to the next meeting. The rest is history.  She did not continue on the journey with me, though she encouraged me to. Every job I have had, and most of the friends I have, are a result of joining the fire service.  As an EMT, countless lives were impacted. Working at 911, someone makes a difference in another’s life every day; some days, it is me. And, all because of Mary’s invitation.

Nancy Steedman                   giftsmayorsteedman

Mayor, Village of Churchville

The most precious gift I have been given is the “gift of extended life.” After diagnosis of ovarian cancer in 2014, extended chemo treatments and an operation, I am still here and able to share this with you. I will be forever thankful for my oncologist, Highland hospital doctors and staff, infusion center nurses and staff, coworkers, community members, friends, neighbors, my mother and especially those who drove me to treatments and turned that day into something fun and pleasurable. I would not be here today if it wasn’t for their gift to me. I am appreciative of this gift and will be forever thankful.


Photos by Dianne Hickerson, with the exception of Christopher Martin’s and Mayor Steedman’s, which were submitted.

(In last week’s issue, “Gifts of a Lifetime” were presented by Margay Blackman, Jo Matela, Jack and Bev Milner, and Bill Plews.  They can be found at: ).

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