
Hilton CSD residents to vote on Capital Project proposition

A Capital Project will be presented to Hilton School District residents in a public vote on Thursday, December 15. The proposition authorizes the district to make capital improvements in the amount of $32,250,000. The project will have no additional impact on local property taxes and will be funded by New York State (NYS) building aid, capital reserves, current taxes and debt service fund appropriation.

Included in the proposal is work to all of the district’s school buildings with a focus on safety and security, in addition to work identified in the building condition survey conducted by LaBella Associates, the district’s architecture, engineering, planning and consulting firm. The NYS Education Department requires that public schools conduct a building condition survey every five years.

A Long Range Planning Committee, including district staff, community members and parents, began meeting over the summer to review the building condition survey and prioritize district capital needs in order to develop a recommendation to the Board of Education. The Board adopted the plan at its October 25 meeting.

Highlights of the proposed project include:

•More secure main school entrances that restrict unauthorized visitor access to the rest of the buildings.

•New playgrounds at Northwood, Quest and Village Elementary Schools that replace 11-16 year old equipment.

•Pavement, sidewalk and curb replacement at Hilton High School and Northwood Elementary School.

•Kitchen equipment at the High School, Merton Williams Middle School and Quest that replaces 44-66 year old equipment.

•HVAC, roof and electrical work at the High School, Merton Williams, Northwood and Village that was identified in the building condition survey.

•Classroom renovations at the High School and Village.

•Renovations to the varsity softball field and locker/team rooms; tennis court and fencing replacement; and HVAC improvements to pool spectator area.

Residents can find more detailed information in a Capital Project newsletter that was mailed to homes. The Capital Project presentation and complete information are available on the district website.

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