
Army Corps of Engineers deploys advanced measure program to assist flood victims

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) proudly announced that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will implement their Advanced Measures and Emergency Ops Flood Fighting programs immediately to assist flood victims along the Lake Ontario Shoreline.

“This is the news that homeowners and businesses have been waiting for,” Hawley said. “I applaud the governor’s work to bring assistance to the flooded areas and I am hopeful that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will be able to rapidly deploy services to mitigate further damage. I am still working with Governor Cuomo’s office to secure federal and state funds to help us rebuild after the flooding has subsided.”

The program, which includes technical assistance and direct assistance, will consist of: data collection, identifying flood threats, mapping out flood evacuation plans, inspecting Flood Control Works, identifying flood threats to the area, providing emergency flood flight supplies to the area, emergency construction of protective measures, and a host of other initiatives to protect life and prevent urban damages and flooding of public facilities.

“I know this is a challenging time for our community, and my thoughts and prayers are with the flood victims and their family members,” Hawley said. “My office is always available to answer questions and help in any way that we can.”

To read the official announcement, visit

Affected residents are encouraged to contact the Flood Assistance Hotline at 866-244-3839 for help.

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