Hilton-Parma Gazebo Band to present community Christmas concerts
The Hilton-Parma Gazebo Band, conducted by Dr. Charles P. Schmidt, will perform Community Christmas Concerts on Friday, December 1, at the Church of the Epiphany, 3285 Buffalo Road in Gates and Friday, December 8 at Hilton Baptist Church, 50 Lake Avenue, Hilton. Both concerts will begin at 7:30 p.m. Donations of non-perishable food items for the community food shelf will be gratefully accepted at the door. The two free public concerts will feature standard concert band literature and Christmas music, including works by Irving Berlin, Porter Eidam and George Gershwin, to name a few.
The Hilton-Parma Gazebo Band is an all-volunteer organization, made up of musicians from across Monroe and Orleans Counties. The band was founded in 1984 by Hilton music educator, Gordon Bascom. The band performs throughout the Greater Rochester area and the band provides music to the community through its annual series of summer concerts at the gazebo at Centennial Park and other venues throughout Monroe County and the surrounding area. For additional information about the band, please contact band manager, Mary Reazor (392-9725 after 10 a.m.) or by email mreazor188@gmail.com.