Forsythe awarded Purple Heart on 21st anniversary of shooting

Sheriff Patrick O’Flynn presented Undersheriff Andrew Forsythe with the Purple Heart medal on December 4, 2017, marking the 21st anniversary of Forsythe being shot in the line of duty.
On December 4, 1996, at 3:20 p.m., while on routine patrol, Deputy Forsythe initiated a traffic stop for a loud muffler at Stonewood Village on East Henrietta Road in Henrietta. Upon approaching the vehicle the passenger attempted to exit and flee the scene. While Forsythe attempted to stop the male, the suspect turned and shot Forsythe with a handgun, striking him multiple times. Although seriously injured, Forsythe was able to radio for help.
Though it was a long road, Forsythe was able to make a full recovery and return to duty.
“For Drew to not only fully recover from serious injuries but rise through the ranks and ultimately be appointed undersheriff is a testament to his tenacity.” said Sheriff Patrick O’Flynn. “This speaks volumes to his character and determination as an individual. He is a shining example of the quality of people we employ at the Sheriff’s Office”
It is for his dedication to duty and devotion to the community that Undersheriff Andrew P. Forsythe was awarded the Purple Heart medal.