
Gates to Recovery is heading to Hamlin

The successful addiction and support services drop-in center, Gates to Recovery, will be opening another satellite center on the westside of Monroe County.

“With over 90 people being placed into treatment and over 125 families getting support services, we felt we had no choice but to look for more options to reach more people needing treatment and more families needing support,” Recovery Now NY’s Outreach Director Ashley Gnau said.

Beginning Tuesday, April 3 and every first Tuesday of the month, Gates to Recovery Hamlin will be in operation at the The Lion Charlie Maier Lodge, at 2806 Roosevelt Highway from 6:15 to 8:15 p.m.

Anke Applebaum, Hamlin’s recreation director, said, “We are committed to the health and wellbeing of our community and the opioid crisis that has reached us. We need to be proactive in confronting these addictions and are pleased to partner with Recovery Now NY to provide addiction support services for residents of Hamlin.”

The Gates to Recovery program has proven effective in other towns. Gates to Recovery Hamlin will include a drop-in center to provide fast access to treatment for those suffering from addiction, as well as monthly Narcan training sessions for the community.

“To be able to bring our services to the residents west of Rochester and surrounding areas will result in more people, more families, getting the support and services they need, which ultimately will end up with more lives being saved and less families being ripped apart,” Executive Director David Attridge said.

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